Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monkeys can be really annoying!

Response to perfectly.imperfect Yasmine.

Okay so when I think about your situation I think in my head a clique at your school that is quite infamous for... May I say their number. When I mean number, I mean number of "best friends" they have in their group. It can't be because they are most loved or even that they have the most money. Am I right? Because I know they might be playing the " we are best friends" act but are really talking smack about each other for all I know. I can't really say I know but these are all my predictions because high school Somali girls are pretty predictable. Well, the honestly think about it. If it was someone who everyone never talked too and didn't really give a damn about or even have any friends than this problem wouldn't even increase or even occur. But when you fight with the head monkey there will always be the back up to that monkey. And in the background will be their monkey friends screaming ooo ooo ah ah ah. As for us, the civil humans who can't understand them. Sadly, at this age people don't go to the coffee shop too actually talk about issues or problems with each other. When will we ever grow up?
Now your most likely sitting at school with some other friends who you probably never took the time to notice or talk to since you always had your other friends. Friends is what makes school life bearable. Without people too talk to you, you might end up as that psycho killer who comes to school with a gun to kill everyone. That’s why I be nice to everyone. No matter how cool or dorky they are. I don’t want to be the victim just because I accidently told a kid he looked ugly then to realized he never forgot and came to shoot me down at the library.… That’s why I think Somali guys are DOOMED when comes to that. Somali guys will be first to die at your school when that angry kid comes to school. Funny how I forgot what my point was. Oh yes! My point is to forget about the ones you lost and to try and find new friends. You learnt a big life lesson. Monkeys are annoying so trying talking to actual human beans. It wouldn’t hurt right?
Well OOO AAHH AHA H EEE, That’s bye in monkey language by the way!
This is Ayanniiee Sammiiee OUT!